It’s been unseasonably warm in Philadelphia for the past few weeks, so my rooftop garden is already off to a pretty great start. About two weeks ago I soaked some snow peas for a few days to get them ready for planting, and a week and a half ago I turned the soil in the planters I’d left on the roof since last year, added about an inch of mushroom compost and put some peas and garlic cloves in the ground.
Speaking of which, despite limited success with last year’s spinach crop, I’ve decided to try a few leafy greens again this year. There are a few shoots of what could be spinach popping up… but it could also be weeds. You’d be amazed just how many weeds find their way into pots placed on a rooftop thanks to bugs, birds, wind, and trees.
Last year’s green onions also don’t quite seem to be ready to go away.
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